Monday, September 5, 2011

Bioslife Slim is still the best!

Do you struggle with weight, lack of energy, mental focus or cholesterol?
Do you want natural solutions from safe products that get results?
Then Bios Life Slim is for you — for results you can see, feel and measure!

What is Bios Life Slim?

Bios Life Slim is a revolutionary fat burning product; providing the first scientific breakthrough in fat-loss in over 30 years. Containing natural, proprietary ingredients, Bios Life Slim helps your body naturally regulate the amount of fat stored.

Bios Life Slim contains all of the ingredients of Bios Life Complete, so it provides the following benefits:
  • Increased energy
  • Improved cholesterol levels
  • Balanced blood sugar
  • Improved lipid profiles
How Long Will it Take?

We want you to slim down—and stay slim. A “diet” is something you do to your body; Bios Life Slim is something you do with your body. You’re gradually training your body to burn fat, not store it. It usually takes about three months for this process to become permanent. Most 
users of Bios Life Slim begin "feeling better" within days, and report that a reduction in size starts less than 30 days later.


In 1997 Enjuvenate – the first anti-ageing protein drink was launched in USA and Malaysia.

This was the first product in the market and took the market by storm. Of course soon after, lots of copycats came on the scene.

In 2004, the new Enjuvenate – version 2 was launched. This improved formula included 6 key ingredients that included
  • Super Protein complex of 8 types of proteins
  • Regenerative complex of grape seed extract, green coffee extract and colostrum
  • Cognitive complex of cordyceps, rhodiola rosea, American ginseng and schizandra chinesis
  • Pituitary complex of L-arginine, L-lysine, L-glycine, L-tyrosine and L-glutamine
  • Maca Pura herb for hormonal balancing
  • Aloe Vera for soothing the digestive tract and enhancing the absorbtion of nutrients.
Since 2008, Enjuvenate – version 3 is launched. This is the best tasting so far, with Pina Colada flavour – just like a tropical fruit punch and the tingling sensation after drinking it, is back!

This new Enjuvenate includes GABA – gamma aminobutyric acid, L-Arginine alpha keto-glutarate, L-Arginine, Maca Root Extract and Resveratrol to name a few key ingredients and excludes the super protein complex that some people were allergic to or even commented that they put on weight after taking it at night.

MacaPureĆ¢ (Lepidium meyenii) is traditionally used for enhanced energy and sexual well-being.

Features and Benefits of Enjuvenate
  • Strengthens and nourishes the body’s ability to generate energy.
  • Supports the body’s production of natural hormones.
  • Stimulates the body’s ability to form lean muscle mass.
  • Assists in slowing the aging process.
  • Supports the body’s natural production of important biological substances.
  • No other product contains this unique combination of ingredients.
Research Brief of Enjuvenate

Certain compounds are produced by the pituitary gland at different times throughout a person’s life.  These are essential for growth and regeneration of cells and tissues. Some specialists in anti-aging medicine believe that regaining the ability to create these compounds or even introducing these compounds to a person deficient in them may have the effect of a “Fountain of Youth!”

The body’s production of some of these molecules is very high during childhood and adolescence. Unfortunately, after age 20 the release of these products by the pituitary gland falls at a rate of approximately 14 percent every 10 years. By age 60, a loss of 75 percent or more of these compounds is not uncommon.

The physical symptoms such as:

increased body fat,
loss of muscle mass,
loss of energy

and other signs that normally accompanies aging can be linked directly to this decrease in the production of these important bio-molecules.

Secretagogues are supplements that work with your body to regulate the natural production of these important molecules. As the body creates more of these products, research has shown that many of the symptoms of aging may be reversed.

If you want to sleep well, wake up refreshed even after 2 hours of sleep, have all day energy, look and feel young, have smooth skin, tighten up all the loose places and reverse ageing, then it’s time to get a bottle of Enjuvenate and try it out yourself.

Unlike some other similar products, Enjuvenate will not cause water retention, so you will not put on weight, when drinking Enjuvenate.

Enjuvenate is recommended for men above 40 and women 35 and above. If you are sexually active, you will notice exciting improvements within the first week.

Enjuvenate also works extremely well for your ageing parents especially those who are weak and lack energy.

Would you like to look 30 when you are 40, 35 when you are 50, or 40 when you are 60?  A 20 year old car can look brand new, likewise with the right skincare and anti-aging nutrition, you too can look much younger than your biological age.

Bioslife E

What is Smart Energy?
There are energy drinks, and now there's a Smart Energy drink! Which would you rather have? 

Bios Life E not only provides the energy you need-but is actually good for you! Low sugar, no synthetic caffeine, and ingredients that boost your energy, mental clarity, and much more! 

What will you get from Smart Energy?

A boost in energy! 
No sudden jittery spike in energy and then an abrupt drop off here, Bios Life provides a reliable, sustained increase in energy that lasts for three to four hours before slowly dissipating. What other energy drinks fail to recognize is that our brains consume more energy than any other organ in our bodies. Bios Life E provdes the energy that our bodies and our brains need to continue functioning at peak levels. Now, that's smart energy! 

Amplified mental clarity! 
The matcha in Bios Life E offers something more than just raw energy. There’s a very unique amino acid, found only in green teas, called L-theanine. This amino acid is found in particularly high amounts in matcha, and has a powerful calming, peaceful effect—we experience a “relaxed energy.” Studies have shown that L-theanine significantly increases the output of alpha waves in our brain. Alpha waves are responsible for the deep, peaceful, calm feeling that we get from meditation, yoga, and deep relaxation. 

Super antioxidants 
Why is it when you’re tired and stressed is the time that you usually get sick? That’s exactly when you need reinforcements to boost your immune system—and Bios Life E gives you a double dose of the cavalry to the rescue. Ingredients not found in any other energy drink—matcha tea blended with resveratrol, pomegranate, and blueberry all fight to keep you healthy and strong. 

Balanced electrolytes 
Being tired and wearing ourselves out leads to an electrolyte imbalance. Our body must contain a proper electrolyte balance inside and outside of our cells, so our cells can properly transport water to and from our body’s major systems. When our electrolytes are imbalanced, we don’t function at peak levels. Bios Life E contains just the right combination of potassium, magnesium, and sodium to keep us balanced and feeling good. 

Metabolism on turbo drive 
Not only do the ingredients in Bios Life E give you energy, mental stamina, and antioxidants, they also increase our bodies’ basal metabolic rate—that’s the rate at which energy is used for the basic functions of breathing, pumping blood, and more. This increase is referred to as thermogenic effect—Bios Life E assists us burn fat by helping the body burn more calories during day-to-day life. Bios Life E also gives us the energy we need to get back on our exercise routines, to eat right, and pass on the fattening snacks.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Hey, these products are marvelous!!!

I was chatting with one of my girlfriends that day, and we talked about diet. LOL, as you all know, women :D She told me that her friend was taking one type of slim and body wellness product. Her friend took this product for 2 months, and her weight drop between these two months was 7kg difference!!! I was like WOW, as this is so unbelievable to me. Just two months, 7kg!! Can you believe that? But my friend asked me to try it, of cos she is also taking now. After trying this product, the problem of my constipation disappeared. It's not only for slim(diet) but also good for our health, and the most important thing is - we can eat whatever we like! But of cos not too much :)